Sunday, February 15, 2009

SO an angry mum suddenly steps on stage, without a microphone and a half-filled audience, with a stick in hand of course, only god knows what conflict she had with her daughter(s). I thought it was a planned out opening, but it was too surreal to be a planned.

IF only roses grew in this bloody country, things would have been much easier. If it wasn't so hot, things would have been much much easier. But thank god it didn't rain. Never better with great songs with great sounds. Wonderful Tonight. And you wish it was at nite, with dimmed lights, even better; candles. And you wish you were the one on the guitars too ;)

BUT still, Saturday was a hectic day. Pre-concert; a two plus plus hour class with confused faces all around, many gave up mixing and heating solutions wishing there wasnt even any classes that day. What a bad day, really. No one is really in the mood for classes. Vain moments later.

Post concert; the feeling of emptyness.

Day ended with a nice long sleep.