Saturday, June 28, 2008

If you are in school, be thankful. Because when you and your friends go separate ways, you start to miss them and all the fun and wild times back in class. And this will only lead you to what I call, a dramatic reunion. So Five A class of 2007 had ours in EXZA.

Choices of food in Exza wasn't a big one but they had a library of drinks! *exaggerating*

So of course in a class you'd find different personalities from different people. Naughty, sexy, people AFRAID OF SHALOW WATER, beauty pageants, camwhores, shy ones. Lets look at some.

So of course we had a lot of fun. But the dramatic part of the night was actually after the dinner.
1) Someone knocked the back of a parked Camry as he was driving out of the parking space.
2) Someone had been stopped by a police after a stunning show of reversing.
No names are to be mentioned here. The later part of the night was having to migrate from Link to Victoria Arms to the place where the best sio bee is sold. Afterall, the night was expected to be a typical 5A 'funloving-full-of-crazyness-and-easily-getting-into-trouble' event. Credits for Graham and Marcel and those who played a part in planning the night. Till next time!